4-2 Overview of Fiery WebTools
Using Fiery WebTools
Fiery WebTools are accessed from the iR C2100/2100S home page.
WebTool: Summary: For more information:
Status Shows you the jobs currently
processing and printing.
See the Printing Guide.
WebSpooler Allows you to view, manipulate,
reorder, reprint, and delete jobs
currently spooling, processing, or
printing on the iR C2100/2100S. It
also allows you to view, print, and
delete the Job Log.
See “Tracking and
managing jobs with
Fiery WebSpooler” on
page 5-1.
WebLink Provides a link to another web page,
provided you have a valid Internet
connection. The WebLink
destination is initially set to
www.canon.com. The WebLink
destination can be changed; this
function requires the Administrator
password, if one has been set.
See the Printing Guide and
the Configuration Guide.