AVT 200HD Tuner • HTML Configuration and Control 79
Date/Time Settings Fields
The fields in the Date/Time Settings section let you view and set date and time parameters.
Figure 49. Date/Time Settings Fields
Change the date and time settings as follows:
1. In each Date or Time field that you want to change, select the desired value from the
drop-down menu or type it in the field. (The Month drop-down box is selected in the
figure above); or
Click the Local Date/Time button to set the date and time to your local settings.
2. From the Zone menu, select your time zone. The selection displayed in the Zone field
identifies the standard time zone and the amount of time, in hours and minutes, that
local time varies from the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) international time reference.
3. If daylight saving time is currently in effect in your area, select the radio button for the
area. If daylight saving time is not in effect or is not observed, select Off.
NOTE: When daylight savings time is enabled, the scaler updates its internal clock
between standard time and daylight savings time in the spring and fall
on the date that the time change occurs in the United States of America,
parts of Europe, or parts of Brazil. When daylight savings time is turned
off, the tuner does not adjust its time reference.
4. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the Date/Time Settings section to
implement your selections.