AVT 200HD Tuner • HTML Configuration and Control 85
5. Click the Browse button. A Choose File to Upload window opens.
Figure 54. Choose File Window with a Firmware File Selected
6. Navigate to the folder where you saved the firmware upgrade file and double-click
on the file name. The Choose Firmware File window closes, and the path to the new
firmware file is displayed in the “Current Firmware Version n.nn” field on the
Firmware Upgrade page.
CAUTION: Valid firmware files must have the file extension “.S19.” A file with any
other extension is not a firmware upgrade for this product. Uploading
files with a different extension could cause the AVT to stop functioning.
NOTE: The original factory-installed firmware is permanently available on the
AVT 200HD. If the attempted firmware upload fails for any reason, the AVT
reverts to the factory-installed firmware.
7. On the Firmware Upgrade page, click the Upload button.
While the firmware is uploading, the Upload button changes to Uploading... . When
the uploading process is complete, the button changes back to Upload. (The uploading
may take a few minutes.)