Administrator’s Guide and Operating Instructions
?? Dialin detail – If ISDN is selected as the dialup method,
please define EAZ/MSN number and ISDN Channels. The
default value of Local IP address is, Remote IP
address is, and the default User Name and
Password are both admin. The IP addresses, User Name and
Password are all configurable by the users.
- Mail Setup
? ? ? To define the setting of the E-mail notification function. The
???? ? ? following dialog box will be shown on the screen after the Mail
item is selected.
?? SMTP server – Normally, it doesn’t require to enter SMTP
server address and port number(default value is 25) as the
system can be a server itself. However, the user may enter their
own SMTP server address and port number under the special
needed. If the SMTP server requires authentication, check the
item box and enter the effective name and password below.
?? Sender(From) – Enter the sender’s e-mail address which you
would like to show on the outgoing notification.
?? URL – Enter the URL link to the system. The URL link will be
shown in the outgoing e-mail.