3 Select the target genre you want to
copy the track into.
• If more than six genres exist, rotate the
dial to show other genres, then press...
• If you want to create a new genre folder,
select “New Genre.”
Album list of the selected genre appears.
4 Select the target album you want to
move the track into.
• If more than six albums exist, rotate the
dial to show other albums, then press...
• If you want to create a new album, select
“New Album.”
5 Confirm.
• Once editing is finished,
playback resumes (from the
current track).
Copying the current album/all
: To copy the current album
: To copy all albums at a
3 Select the target genre.
• If more than six genres exist, rotate the
dial to show other genres, then press...
• If you want to create a new genre folder,
select “New Genre.”
4 Confirm.
• Once editing is finished,
playback resumes (from the
current track).
EN78_83_KD-NX901[E]SDfb.indd 83EN78_83_KD-NX901[E]SDfb.indd 83 05.3.17 2:08:16 PM05.3.17 2:08:16 PM