TANDBERG MSE 8220 VCR User Manual

5 Ensure the Port A checkbox is selected
6 Enter a name for your IP VCR in the H.323 ID to register text box
H.323 endpoints that are registered with the gatekeeper can Users can call the VCR using the ID given
7 Enter 71 in the Point to point incoming prefix text box
The Point to point incoming prefix will be used later on in the tutorial.
8 Click Apply changes to register the IP VCR with the gatekeeper on your network
Your endpoints should also be registered with the gatekeeper on your network. Your endpoint
documentation should describe how to register the endpoint with the gatekeeper.
Registering the IP VCR with the internal gatekeeper
If you do not already have an H.323 gatekeeper on your network the IP VCR can be configured to provide
gatekeeper services. You will also have to configure the firewall on the IP VCR to allow access to the H.323
gatekeeper service. Only complete this section if you have not completed the steps in the Registering the IP
VCR with an external gatekeeper section.
Up to twenty five devices can be registered with the gatekeeper. A feature key can be purchased to increase
this limit.
1 Go to Network > Services and set the H.323 gatekeeper checkbox
The H.323 gatekeeper firewall port is not open on the IP VCR by default. If you enable the built-in
gatekeeper, without first opening the port, an error message will be displayed.
2 Click Apply changes to open the H.323 gatekeeper firewall port