TANDBERG MSE 8220 VCR User Manual

6 Open an MS-DOS command prompt window and navigate to the directory that you saved the ‘.codian’
recording file in
7 Type the conversion command in the format: codian_to_mpg <your_filename>.codian
Example: codian_to_mpg recording_0_training_recording_2.codian
This converts the downloaded Codian file to MPEG format e.g. recording_0_training_recording_2.mpg stored
in the same directory. The file contains video encoded to 352 x 288 pixels in size; the video stream is
positioned in the top left corner and the content channel is on the right. If there was a second video stream, it is
shown below the first one.
Consult the Codian Converters Getting Started Guide for more advanced MPEG conversion options such
as setting the video and audio quality and choosing which streams to convert and their positioning.
Uploading a recording from your PC
Any recordings that you have stored on your PC can now be uploaded to another IP VCR or to the same IP
VCR (in which case it must be stored as a different name).
8 Go to Recordings and click Upload Recording
The Uploading Recording page is displayed.
9 Use Browse to select the file to upload from your hard disk
10 Type in a name for recording on this IP VCR to be stored on the IP VCR under. For example if you are
uploading the same recording on to the same IP VCR, use Training Recording 4
11 Click Commence upload
The time taken for the file to be uploaded depends on the file size and your network speed. When the
upload is complete, you see an Upload successful message.
12 Click on the Click here link below the message to see details of the recording that was uploaded
The uploaded recording is stored as Training Recording 4.