Choosing a gatekeeper
A gatekeeper is an H.323 entity on the network that provides services such as address translation and network
access control for H.323 terminals, gateways, and MCUs. A gatekeeper is optional on an H.323 network but
its presence allows end users to replay recordings stored on the IP VCR by dialing a number or entering a text
string. H.323 capable devices can be configured to register their IP and alias addresses with a gatekeeper. The
IP VCR can register E.164 numeric IDs with the gatekeeper. H.323 endpoints can then call in to view and
create recordings using numbers instead of having to use an IP address or domain name.
The IP VCR can be configured to work with your existing gatekeeper. If you do not have a gatekeeper on
your network the IP VCR can provide a gatekeeper service for the H.323 network.
Registering the IP VCR with an external gatekeeper
If you already have a gatekeeper on your network follow the steps in this section to configure the IP VCR to
register with it. If you do not have a gatekeeper on your network proceed to
Registering the IP VCR with
the internal gatekeeper
1 Go to Settings > Gatekeeper
2 Select Enabled from the H.323 gatekeeper usage drop down list
3 Enter the IP address or hostname of the gatekeeper on your network in the H.323 gatekeeper address
text box
4 For the Gatekeeper registration type, select Gateway
If the IP VCR is configured to register prefixes Codian recommend registering the IP VCR as a Gateway.
The “Which gatekeepers have been tested for the IP VCR?” FAQ in the Technical Support section of the
Codian web site details any exceptions to this advice.