General Description
Section 1
1.19.4 Member Stresses at Specified Sections
Member stresses can be printed at specified intermediate sections
as well as at the start and end joints. These stresses include:
5.40 and
a) Axial stress, which is calculated by dividing the axial force by
the cross sectional area,
b) Bending-y stress, which is calculated by dividing the moment
in local-y direction by the section modulus in the same
c) Bending-z stress, which is the same as above except in local-z
d) Shear stresses (in y and z directions), and
e) Combined stress, which is the sum of axial, bending-y and
bending-z stresses.
All the stresses are calculated as the absolute value.
1.19.5 Force Envelopes
Force envelopes of the member forces FX (axial force), FY (Shear-
y), and MZ (moment around local z-axis, i.e. strong axis) can be
printed for any number of intermediate sections. The force values
include maximum and minimum numbers representing maximum
positive and maximum negative values. The following is the sign
convention for the maximum and minimum values:
See section
FX A positive value is compression, and negative tension.
FY A positive value is shear in the positive y-direction, and
negative in the negative y-direction.
FZ Same as above, except in local z-direction.
MZ A positive moment will mean a moment causing tension at the
top of the member. Conversely, a negative moment will cause
tension at the bottom of the member. The top of a member is
defined as the side towards positive local y-axis.
MY Same as above, except about local z axis.