STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
group-names). Only the selfweight of the structure is used to
calculate the C.G. User defined joint loads, member loads etc. are
not considered in the calculation of C.G.
The PRINT (JOINT) DISPLACEMENTS command prints joint
displacements in a tabulated form. The displacements for all six
global directions will be printed for all specified load cases. The
length unit for the displacements is always INCH or CM
(depending on English Inch/Kip/Second or METRIC unit)
regardless of the unit specified in UNIT command.
The PRINT (MEMBER) FORCES command prints member forces
(i.e. Axial force (AXIAL), Shear force in local Y and Z axes
(SHEAR-Y and SHEAR-Z), Torsional Moment (TORSION),
Moments about local Y and Z axes (MOM-Y and MOM-Z)) in a
tabulated form for the listed members, for all specified load cases.
The PRINT SUPPORT REACTIONS command prints global
support reactions in a tabulated form, by support, for all specified
load cases. Use LIST option for selected joints.
PRINT ANALYSIS RESULTS command is equivalent to the above
three commands combined. With this command, the joint
displacements, support reactions and member forces, in that order,
are printed.
shears & bending moments at the intermediate sections specified
with a previously input SECTION command. The printing is done
in a tabulated form for all specified cases for the first requested
member, then for the next member, etc.
The PRINT (MEMBER) STRESSES command tabulates member
stresses at the start joint, end joint and all specified intermediate
sections. These stresses include axial (i.e. axial force over the
area), bending-y (i.e. moment-y over section modulus in local y-
axis), bending-z (i.e. moment-z over section modulus in local z-
axis), shear stresses in both local y and z directions and combined