Section 1
Consideration of Bandwidth
The method of decomposition is particularly efficient when
applied to a symmetrically banded matrix. For this type of matrix
fewer calculations are required due to the fact that elements
outside the band are all equal to zero.
STAAD takes full advantage of this bandwidth during solution, as
it is important to have the least bandwidth to obtain the most
efficient solution. For this purpose, STAAD offers features by
which the program can internally rearrange the joint numbers to
provide a better bandwidth.
Structural Integrity
The integrity of the structure is an important requirement that must
be satisfied by all models. Users must make sure that the model
developed represents one single structure only, not two or more
separate structures.
An "integral" structure or "one" structure may be defined as a system
in which proper "stiffness connections" exist between the
members/elements. The entire model functions as a single integrated
load resisting system. Two or more independent structures within one
model results in erroneous mathematical formulation and therefore,
generates numerical problems. STAAD checks structural integrity
using a sophisticated algorithm and reports detection of multiple
structures within the model.