
STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
Table 3.1 Values of Ta, Tb and r
ZONE Ta Tb r
I 0.2 0.6 1/2
II not shaded 0.3 1.5 2/3
III y II shaded 0.6 3.9 1.0
a shall not be less than c/4
Vo for each direction is calculated
Vo = Wo a/Q’ if T Tb
Vo = ΣWi a/Q’ (K1 hi+K2 hi²) if T > Tb
K1 = q ( 1 – r (1-q)) Σ Wi/( Σ Wi/hi)
K2 = 1.5 r q (1-q) Σ Wi/( Σ Wi/hi²)
Wi and hi the weight and the height of the i th mass over the soil
or embedment level.
The base shear are distributed proportionally to the height if T Tb
or with the cuadratic equation mentioned if T > Tb.
The distributed base shears are subsequently applied as lateral
loads on the structure.