Section 2
Figure 2.4 - Weld design for SELECT WELD TRUSS.
2.13 Steel Design per AASHTO Specifications
The design of structural steel members in accordance with the
AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17
edition has been implemented.
General Comments
The section of the above code implemented in STAAD is Chapter
10, Part C – Service Load design Method, Allowable Stress design.
Sections 10.32.1.A and 10.36 are implemented. As per the
AASHTO committee, this is the last edition for this code (the ASD
approach) and only technical errors will be fixed in the future for
this code.
In general, the concepts followed in MEMBER SELECTION and
CODE CHECKING procedures are similar to that of the AISC
based design. It is assumed that the user is familiar with the basic
concepts of steel design facilities available in STAAD. Please
refer to Section 2 of the STAAD Technical Reference Manual for
detailed information on this topic. This section specifically
addresses the implementation of steel design based on AASHTO
Design is available for all standard sections listed in the AISC
edition manual, namely, Wide Flanges, S, M, HP, Tees,
Channels, Single Angles, Double Angles, Tubes and Pipes. Design
of HSS sections (those listed in the 3
edition AISC LRFD