Section 5
f6 = The response modification factor for lateral load along
the Z direction. See Table 1617.6 of IBC 2000 (pages 365-
368) and Table 1617.6.2 of IBC 2003 (page 334-337). It is
used in equations 16-35, 16-36 & 16-38 of IBC 2000.
f7 = Site class as defined in Section 1615.1.1 of IBC 2000 (page
350) & 2003 (page 322). Enter 1 through 6 in place of A
through F, see table below).
f8 = Optional CT value to calculate time period. See section
1617.4.2.1, equation 16-39 of IBC 2000 and section, equation of ASCE 7-02.
f9 = Optional Period of structure (in sec) in X-direction to be used
as fundamental period of the structure instead of the value
derived from section 1617.4.2 of IBC 2000, and section of ASCE 7-02.
f10 = Optional Period of structure (in sec) in Z or Y direction to
be used as fundamental period of the structure instead of the
value derived from section 1617.4.2 of IBC 2000, and
section of ASCE 7-02.
The Soil Profile Type parameter SCLASS can take on values from
1 to 6. These are related to the values shown in Table 1615.1.1,
Site Class Definitions of the IBC 2000/2003 code in the following
manner :
STAAD Value IBC code value
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F