Section 1
1.15 Master/Slave Joints
The master/slave option is provided to enable the user to model
rigid links in the structural system. This facility can be used to
model special structural elements like a rigid floor diaphragm.
Several slave joints may be provided which will be assigned same
displacements as the master joint. The user is also allowed the
flexibility to choose the specific degrees of freedom for which the
displacement constraints will be imposed on the slaved joints. If
all degrees of freedom (Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My and Mz) are provided
as constraints, the joints will be assumed to be rigidly connected.
section 5.28
1.16 Loads
Loads in a structure can be specified as joint load, member load,
temperature load and fixed-end member load. STAAD can also
generate the self-weight of the structure and use it as uniformly
distributed member loads in analysis. Any fraction of this self-
weight can also be applied in any desired direction.
1.16.1 Joint Load
Joint loads, both forces and moments, may be applied to any free
joint of a structure. These loads act in the global coordinate system
of the structure. Positive forces act in the positive coordinate
directions. Any number of loads may be applied on a single joint,
in which case the loads will be additive on that joint.
See section