General Description
Section 1
1.7.3 User Provided Steel Table
The user can provide a customized steel table with designated
names and proper corresponding properties. The program can then
find member properties from those tables. Member selection may
also be performed with the program selecting members from the
provided tables only.
See sections 5.19,
5.20.4 and
xamples Manual
roblem 17
These tables can be provided as a part of a STAAD input or as
separately created files from which the program can read the
properties. The user who does not use standard rolled shapes or
who uses a limited number of specific shapes may create
permanent member property files. Analysis and design can be
limited to the sections in these files.
1.7.4 Tapered Sections
Properties of tapered I-sections and several types of tapered tubes
may be provided through MEMBER PROPERTY specifications.
Given key section dimensions, the program is capable of
calculating cross-sectional properties which are subsequently used
in analysis. Specification of TAPERED sections is described in
Section 5 of this manual.
See section
1.7.5 Assign Command
If one wishes to avoid the trouble of defining a specific section
name, but instead wants to leave it to the program to assign a
section name by itself, the ASSIGN command is available. The
section types that may be ASSIGNed include BEAM, COLUMN,
See section
When the keyword BEAM is specified, the program will assign an
I-shaped beam section (Wide Flange for AISC, UB section for