Section 1
For the keyword COLUMN also, the program will assign an I-
shaped beam section (Wide Flange for AISC, UC section for
If steel design-member selection is requested, a similar type
section will be selected. See section 5.20.5 for the command
syntax and description of the ASSIGN Command.
1.7.6 Steel Joist and Joist Girders
STAAD.Pro now comes with the facilities for specifying steel
joists and joist girders. The basis for this implementation is the
information contained in the 1994 publication of the American
Steel Joist Institute called “Fortieth edition standard
specifications, load tables and weight tables for steel joist and
joist girders”. The following are the salient features of the
Member properties can be assigned by specifying a joist
designation contained in tables supplied with the program. The
following joists and joist girder types have been implemented:
Open web steel joists – K series and KCS joists
Longspan steel joists – LH series
Deep Longspan steel joists – DLH series
Joist Girders – G series
The pages in the Steel Joist Institute publication where these
sections are listed are shown in the following table.
Joist type Beginning page number
K series 24
KCS 30
LH series 54
DLH series 57
Joist girders 74