STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
3) The global horizontal direction options (GX and GZ) enables
one to consider AREA LOADs, ONEWAY LOADSs and
FLOOR LOADs for mass matrix for frequency calculations.
4) For ONE WAY loads, the program attempts to find the shorter
direction within panels for load generation purposes. So, if any
of the panels are square in shape, no load will be generated on
the members circumscribing those panels. In such cases, one
ought to use the FLOOR LOAD type.
Applying floor load on members grouped under a floor
group name
When applying a floor load using XRANGE, YRANGE and
ZRANGE, there are two limitations that one may encounter:
a) If panels consist of members whose longitudinal axis cross
each other in an X type, and if the members are not
connected to each other at the point of crossing, the panel
identification and hence the load generation in that panel
may fail. A typical such situation is shown in the plan
drawing shown in the next figure.
Figure 5.30