Section 5
⎧STEPS f1 ⎫
⎩ ⎭ ⎪SAGMINIMUM f4 ⎪
⎪STABILITY f5 f6 ⎪
This command may be continued to the next line by ending with a
Steps = Number of load steps. The applied loads will be
applied gradually in this many steps. Each step
will be iterated to convergence. Default is 145.
The f1 value, if entered, should be in the range 5
to 145.
Eq-iterations = Maximum number of iterations permitted in each
load step. Default is 300. Should be in the range
of 10 to 500.
Eq-tolerance = The convergence tolerance for the above
iterations. Default is 0.0001.
Sag minimum = Cables (not trusses) may sag when tension is low.
This is accounted for by reducing the E value. Sag
minimum may be between 1.0 (no sag E reduction)
and 0.0 (full sag E reduction). Default is 0.0. As
soon as SAGMIN becomes less than 0.95 the
possibility exists that a converged solution will not
be achieved without increasing the steps to 145 or
the pretension loads. The Eq iterations may need
to be 300 or more. The Eq tolerance may need to
be greater or smaller.
Stability stiffness = A stiffness matrix value, f5, that is added to
the global matrix at each translational
direction for joints connected to cables and
nonlinear trusses for the first f6 load steps.
The amount added linearly decreases with each
of the f6 load steps (f6 is 1 if omitted). If f5
entered, use 0.0 to 1000.0. Default is 1.0.