Section 5
section-name = Any user designated section name, use 1 to
12 characters. First three characters of Pipes
and Tubes must be PIP and TUB respectively.
Only alphanumeric characters and digits are
allowed for defining section names. (Blank
spaces, asterisks, question marks, colon,
semi-colon etc. are not permitted.)
= Properties for the section. The requirements
are different for each section type as follows.
Shear areas AY and AZ must be provided to
ensure proper shear stress or shear strength
calculations during design. Also, SY, SZ, IZ
and IY must be provided for design.
The default length units for properties are the
current units. If UNIT command is entered
within the User Table in the input file then
those units become the current units.
However, a UNIT command on an external
file only affects that file and has no effect on
the units in subsequent input file commands.
The user may specify the desired length unit
by using the UNIT command as the first
command in the table (see example following
this description).
If data is from input file, then use up to 3
lines of input per property-spec (end all but
last with a hyphen, - ). If data is from
external file, then use only one line, but it
can be up to 250 characters long.
Following section types are available under this option.
Wide Flange
1) AX = Cross section area
2) D = Depth of the section
3) TW = Thickness of web
4) WF = Width of the flange