General Description
Section 1
5) The term MEMBER PRESTRESS as used in STAAD signifies
the following condition. The structure is constructed first.
Then, the prestressing force is applied on the relevant
members. As a result, the members deform and depending on
their end conditions, forces are transmitted to other members
in the structure. In other words, "PRE" refers to the time of
placement of the member in the structure relative to the time
of stressing.
6) The term MEMBER POSTSTRESS as used in STAAD
signifies the following condition. The members on which such
load is applied are first cast in the factory. Following this, the
prestressing force is applied on them. Meanwhile, the rest of
the structure is constructed at the construction site. Then, the
prestressed members are brought and placed in position on the
partially built structure. Due to this sequence, the effects of
prestressing are "experienced" by only the prestressed
members and not transmitted to the rest of the structure. In
other words, "POST" refers to the time of placement of the
member in the structure relative to the time of stressing.
7) As may be evident from Item (6) above, it is not possible to
compute the displacements of the ends of the
POSTSTRESSED members for the effects of
POSTSTRESSing, and hence are assumed to be zero. As a
result, displacements of intermediate sections (See SECTION
DISPLACEMENT command) are measured relative to the
straight line joining the start and end joints of the members as
defined by their initial JOINT COORDINATES.