Section 1
1.7.1 Prismatic Properties
The following prismatic properties are required for analysis:
See section
AX = Cross sectional area
IX = Torsional constant
IY = Moment of inertia about y-axis.
IZ = Moment of inertia about z-axis.
In addition, the user may choose to specify the following
AY = Effective shear area for shear force parallel to local y-axis.
AZ = Effective shear area for shear force parallel to local z-axis.
YD = Depth of section parallel to local y-axis.
ZD = Depth of section parallel to local z-axis.
For T-beams, YD, ZD, YB & ZB must be specified. These terms,
which are shown in the next figure are :
YD = Total depth of section (top fiber of flange to bottom fiber of
ZD = Width of flange
YB = Depth of stem
ZB = Width of stem
For Trapezoidal beams, YD, ZD & ZB must be specified. These
terms, which too are shown in the next figure are :
YD = Total depth of section
ZD = Width of section at top fiber
ZB = Width of section at bottom fiber
Note : The above definitions for YD,ZD,YB & ZB are applicable
when Y is the vertical axis.
Top & bottom are defined as positive side of the local Z axis, and
negative side of the local Z axis respectively.