Section 3
A typical screen from the STAAD beam design output, showing
the cracked moment of inertia value, is shown below.
Figure 3.6
3.7 Column Design
Columns design in STAAD per the ACI code is performed for
axial force and uniaxial as well as biaxial moments. All active
loadings are checked to compute reinforcement. The loading which
produces the largest amount of reinforcement is called the critical
load. Column design is done for square, rectangular and circular
sections. For rectangular and circular sections, reinforcement is
always assumed to be equally distributed on all faces. This means
that the total number of bars for these sections will always be a
multiple of four (4). If the MMAG parameter is specified, the
column moments are multiplied by the MMAG value to arrive at
the ultimate moments on the column. Since the ACI code no longer
requires any minimum eccentricity conditions to be satisfied, such
checks are not made.
Method used: Bresler Load Contour Method
Known Values: Pu, Muy, Muz, B, D, Clear cover, Fc, Fy
Ultimate Strain for concrete : 0.003
Steps involved :
1) Assume some reinforcement. Minimum reinforcement (1%) is a
good amount to start with.