5 User Interface
For one server entered in the job a reboot is necessary after the update
(Reboot=yes), while for others no reboot is necessary (Reboot=no).
In this case the Reboot field will show the string "---".
If the parameters that should be displayed in the same field have the
same value, this value will be displayed.
Names of the server for which the updates are relevant
Importance of the updates
recommended An update is recommended
mandatory An update is urgently required
normal An update is not required
If you create a job for a single server, the highest severity weighting of an
update contained in the job is displayed (mandatory > recommended > nor-
Indicates, whether a reboot is required (Reboot=yes) after the job is
executed or not (Reboot=no).
auto (for components of the blade systems group only)
The component itself decides whether a reboot is necessary or not.
If you create a job for a single server, a reboot is required if at least one
update needs a reboot.
Download Size (MB)
Free memory required on the relevant server for installing the updates
Install Duration (Minutes)
Time needed for installing all updates on the relevant server
112 ServerView Update Management