6 Managing Updates
4. Click Delete.
The Repository Manager opens a dialog box where you must confirm
deletion with Yes.
5. To confirm deletion, click Yes.
The dialog box closes and the group is deleted. All assignments entered
by Repository Manager in the ServerView database are also deleted.
6.2.6 Re-Initializing the Repository
You can update your repository on the management station by importing new
components from the ServerView Update DVD or another existing repos-
If you want to replace your complete repository, do this using the Con-
figuration Wizard.
1. Go to the Updates tab in the Repository Manager, see "Updates tab" on
page 128.
2. Click Import.
The Import Repository dialog box opens.
3. In the Import Path field, specify the directory that contains the update
components to be imported.
4. Click Check for Imports.
After the process has finished, all components found in the specified
directory (including all subdirectories) are shown in the Source list on
the left. If you only want newer updates to be displayed, enable the
Filter only newer updates option.
5. Copy all desired components from the Source list on the left to the Des-
tination list on the right.
212 ServerView Update Management