6 Managing Updates
6.3.3 Opening Download Manager
There are two ways to open the Download Manager in the ServerView Oper-
ations Manager:
l On the start page of ServerView Suite, choose Download Manager
under Update Management.
l In the ServerView menu bar, choose Update Management/Download
The main window of Download Manager is displayed.
6.3.4 Closing Download Manager
Use the Close icon in the browser window to close the main window of the
Download Manager.
6.3.5 Creating a new download task
In a first step, you create a download task to suit your requirements. To this
download task, you then assign the servers for which searches for updates
are to be carried out at the specified time.
1. Go to the Task Management tab.
2. Click Add....
3. Specify when the download task is to be executed under Select Date
and Time to Start.
4. Specify how often the download task is to be executed under Frequen-
5. Specify how many of the log files are to be saved under Journalize
Log Data.
The Summary output field shows a summary of the values you spec-
6. Click Create to save the new download task. The dialog box closes and
the download task is created.
Click Close to cancel processing and discard all entries.
216 ServerView Update Management