5 User Interface
The content of the update details list depends on the entry that you have
already selected in the tree structure.
Tree structure Update details list (Update Details Tab)
Servers Displays the components belonging to the selected
In the update details list, you can filter the components
displayed in the table according to the following groups:
l All Components: Displays all components
belonging to the servers selected in the server list
l Upgrades: Displays the upgrades associated
with the servers selected in the server list
l Downgrades: shows all downgrades of the select-
ed servers in the server list.
l Installed Updates: Displays the updates
installed on the servers selected in the server list.
l Unapplicable Updates: Displays the updates
that cannot be installed. An explanation of why
the updates cannot be installed is displayed in the
Update Details dialog box. To open this dialog
box, click Show Details.
l Released Updates: Displays the updates asso-
ciated with the servers selected in the server list
which have been released in the Repository Man-
l Inventory Information: Displays all installed firm-
ware and drivers on the servers selected in the
server list, even if they are not included in the
l User Collections: Displays the user-specific
update groups for the servers selected in the
server list
68 ServerView Update Management