7 Command-Line Interface
If a connection cannot be established, the command terminates immediately
with a timeout.
Return values
0 Update started without errors.
1 Ok, no obsolete components found.
2 Timeout (no connection to the managed server).
3 SequenceError - command is not permitted during this phase.
4 An error occurred when the update phase was started.
5 GFI error
6 The required parameters for access control do not exist.
7 Access denied
10 Parameter error
11 Memory bottleneck
12 Multiple starting of CLI denied.
13 The results file (option -F or logfile.txt) could not be opened.
14 The GFLog.txt log file could not be opened.
16 Rebuild of the inventory in progress. Try again later
17 Check command successfull, reboot needed by at least one com-
18 Managed server type not supported (virtual server / old offline server)
230 ServerView Update Management