l Check via the Task Manager if the DownloadServer.exe process
is still running . The process retries several times to connect to the
database and it may take up to 15 minutes until it gives up.
l Stop DownloadServer.exe via the Task Manager or wait until it
stops running.
l Restart the ServerView Download Service using the new cre-
3. In other error situations:
l Restart the ServerView Download Service.
Troubleshooting on Linux CMS:
Look for error entries under /var/log/messages with source ServerView
Update Manager and restart the ServerView Download Server.
Linux Mgmt.Station using Repository on Network Drive
Error situation with ntfs filesystems mounted with type cifs
(Samba, occurred with SLES11 SP1, RHEL6)
Samba-mount might use a 64-bit-file-pointer depending on kernel-ver-
sion/Samba-version/size of file systems on Linux. This might force problems
with our 32-bit-applets.
The following error can occur during setting values with Configuration Wiz-
ard > Use existing Repository > Repository on Network Drive although
content of Repository is correct:
Error Remote path <value> does not contain repository
Use additional option -o noserverino for mounting the network drive.
ServerView Update Management 271
8.3 Error messages in the Configuration Wizard