7 Command-Line Interface
File 2
rem *********************************************************
rem * cli-init.bat ************************
rem * ****************************************************
rem * Batch File to check states of a special server
rem * and to execute StartFlash if states are ok
rem * ------------------------------------------------------
rem * Input-parameters:
rem * - cli-init server(%1) user(%2) Password(%3)
rem * - File "fwpath.txt" with the absolut path of the FirmwareTree
rem *******************************************************
@echo off
rem ********************************************************
rem * Return-File initialisation
rem ********************************************************
@echo off >%1.txt
rem ********************************************************
rem * "WaitForDone" to check whether there are old flashs
rem * (prepared, ready) or not
rem * If there are states, they are canceled or ceaned
rem * If server is not "online" Timeout occured
rem * Only a server without flash-states will be token for flash
rem * Means returncode 1 is the only one to go on for flash!
rem ********************************************************
gfcli -W -N %1 -L %2 -P %3 -F %1.txt
if %errorlevel%==1 goto nostates
if %errorlevel%==2 goto timeout
if %errorlevel%==3 goto statenok
if %errorlevel%==4 goto errors
if %errorlevel%==5 goto gfierror
if %errorlevel%==6 goto nologop
248 ServerView Update Management