flashing The job is currently in the update phase.
flashed The update has been performed successfully on the
rescanning The inventory of the server is being redetermined.
rebooting The server is currently rebooting.
done All components have been updated and the job is now
error Possible reasons:
l The update of at least one component failed.
l Check-Job was not successful
l Cleanup-Job was not successful
l Status could not be retrieved
manager abort The management station was restarted while the job
was being executed, see "Notes on management sta-
tions" on page 20.
Install Duration (Minutes)
Duration of the installation in minutes
Boot Time
Start time for the boot process (if Reboot = yes)
Download Size (MB)
Memory required for the update in megabytes
This setting specifies whether the job is released (yes) or not released
(no) for execution on other PRIMERGY servers.
TFTP Adress
IP address of the TFTP server
ServerView Update Management 119
5.1 Update Manager Main Window