6 Managing Updates
6.3 Download Manager
The Download Manager provides you with a convenient way to get the latest
versions of firmware, BIOS, drivers, and ServerView agents for your server.
The Download Manager relieves you of the task of performing time-con-
suming searches for suitable update information.
Information and update files are provided on the web server of Fujitsu Tech-
nology Solutions for your server update. The Download Manager first loads
the information files to a download directory. The data in these information
files provides the Download Manager and the other components of the Server-
View Suite with an overview of the available updates.
In the next step, the required update files are retrieved from the web server.
These contain update information for firmware, BIOS, drivers, or ServerView
agents, which can then be distributed to the relevant servers by the Update
Manager. This step-by-step procedure minimizes the load times for the down-
On the user interface, you define download tasks that search for available
updates for selected servers in the time intervals you have chosen. The
Download Service of the Download Manager then automatically loads the
required files from the web server to a directory on your management server.
6.3.1 Adjusting the Download Service
You can limit the number of download tasks (concurrent jobs) that can be
executed in parallel as follows:
1. Make sure that no download tasks are running . Check the status icons
on the Schedules Tasks tab.
2. Stop the Download Service.
3. Edit the DownloadServer.ini file in the
<scripts>/ServerView/Download directory.
This directory is located on the management station.
214 ServerView Update Management