7 Command-Line Interface
rem *******************************************************
rem * WaitServerlist initialisation
rem * (WaitServerList: temporary subset of Serverlist)
rem ********************************************************
if exist svwaitls.txt del svwaitls.txt
if exist oklist.txt del oklist.txt
rem ********************************************************
rem * Check actual states of all server of the ServerList and StartFlash
rem * Only State "No Flash states" expected - other states will be
rem * or aborted first
rem * Only for servers with "No flash states" "StartFlash" is executed
rem * Thease servers were added to WaitServerlist (WaitForDone-cycle)
rem * StartFlash is executed with Path of FirmwareTree contained
rem * in file fwpath.txt
rem * Batch-File cli-init.bat is called for each server with the param-
rem * of the fields in ServerList
rem *****************************************************
for /F "eol=; tokens=1-3 delims=, " %%i in (serverls.txt) do call cli-
init %%i %%j %%k
rem ***************************************************
rem * WaitForDone cycle
rem * The flashs are running
rem * Now is time to WaitForDone (status ready - hopefully without any
rem * All servers in flashingmode are listed in svwaitls.txt
rem * Each server, returns with timeout is set in svtmpls and WaitForDone
rem * is started again
rem * Each server, which returns without errors, is set to oklist.txt
rem * (After CleanUp)
rem * Each server, which finished with errors will left be in error state
rem * all information in the speziell result-file
rem * Batch-File cli-work.bat is called for each server with the
246 ServerView Update Management