8.9 Installation/Uninstallation of updateable com-
ponents without using Update Manager
Recommendation: Use ServerView Update Manager to update updateable
If updateable components were updated without Update Manager, follow the
instructions below to update data within the ServerView Operations Manager
database (Update Manager, Inventory Manager, ...):
"drivers and add-on-products" which are contained in Primergy Sup-
port Packages (PSPs):
1. Update the registry on the managed node (concerning PSPs)
Restart ServerView Update Agent / GlobalFlash Agent (implicit Pri-
meUp -reginit is executed)
Change to directory <inst-path>\PrimeUp\current\FSC_SCAN and
call PrimeUp -reginit
2. Update the inventory on the managed node.
ServerView Agents for Windows:
Restart Agents.
3. Update the inventory on the management station (implicit check is
Inventory Manager:
Recollect Asset Data from Agents.
ServerView Update Management 277
8.9 Installation/Uninstallation of updateable components without using