14. Click Next. If you selected the Mail Settings option, the Mail Settings
step opens; otherwise the Activate step opens. In this case, skip the
next steps and continue with 24.
15. Enter the recipient address(es) in the Mail To field. Multiple addresses
must be separated by commas.
16. Enter the additional recipient addresses if necessary in the CC field.
17. Enter the mail address of the sender in the From field.
18. Enter the IP address of the SMTP server in the SMTP Server field.
19. Enter the port number of the SMTP server in the Port field.
20. Enter the user ID for logging on to the mail server in the User field.
21. Enter the password for logging on to the mail server in the Password
22. Enter the password a second time in the Confirm Password field for
security purposes.
23. Click Next. The Activate dialog box opens.
24. Click Activate to activate the new settings in the database. If you have
changed the repository default, the inventory data of all servers is rec-
ServerView Update Management 223
6.4 Configuration