l Product information
l Spare parts catalogue
Access to the ServerView link collection
You can reach the link collection of the ServerView Suite in various ways:
1. Via ServerView Operations Manager.
l Select Help – Links on the start page or on the menu bar.
This opens the start page of the ServerView link collection.
2. Via the ServerView Suite DVD 2 or via the start page of the online doc-
umentation for the ServerView Suite on the Fujitsu Technology Solu-
tions manual server.
You access the start page of the online documentation via the fol-
lowing link:
l In the selection list on the left, select Industry standard servers.
l Click the menu item PRIMERGY ServerView Links.
This opens the start page of the ServerView link collection.
3. Via the ServerView Suite DVD 1.
l In the start window of the PRIMERGY ServerView Suite DVD 1,
select the option Select ServerView Software Products.
l Click Start. This takes you to the page with the software products
of the PRIMERGY ServerView Suite.
l On the menu bar select LINKS.
This opens the start page of the ServerView link collection.
ServerView Update Management 29
1.8 ServerView Suite link collection