Tree structure Update details list (Update Details Tab)
In general, only the installed update ver-
sions contained in the underlying repository
are displayed in the table.
In the case of each upgrade, only the latest
version is displayed in the table and, in the
case of each downgrade, only the next older
version found in the repository is displayed
in the table.
Nevertheless, the version of the update can
be selected when executing the Create Job
Wizard later.
Updates Displays the servers that contain the selected com-
Jobs Combination not permitted
In the table, a context menu is available. To open the context menu,
right-click an entry in the table.
The columns in the table have the following meanings:
Column Meaning
Icon Importance of the update
An update is recommended.
An update is urgently required.
An update is not required.
Opens the Filtering for <column> dialog box, where
you specify which rows are to be displayed in the table.
ServerView Update Management 69
5.1 Update Manager Main Window