4 Installing ServerView Update Agents
Installation via ASP (Autonomous Support Package), SV Update
Agent >=V5.50
You start the installation via the installation package SVUpdateAgent_Win_
ASP_<vers>.exe, which you will find on the ServerView Update DVD under:
Firmware - Agent-Win - SV-Update-Agent.
You can install the update agent at the command level using the following
start /wait SVUpdateAgent_Win_ASP_<vers>.exe Installation under Linux or VMWare (ESX)
Update agent version 4.91 and higher is only installed if the server is online-
update-capable, i.e. online tools for updating the firmware are available. Older
systems are not supported as of Update Management V6.0.
Update Agent <= V5.00
You start the installation via the installation package SMAWgfa-<Release>-
<Version>.rpm, which you will find on the ServerView Suite DVD 1 under
Firmware - Agent-Lx - SV-Update-Agent.
You can install the update agent at command level using the following com-
rpm {-i | -U --nopreun --nopostun}
The options have the following meanings:
You use this option to start the initial installation.
You use this option to start an update installation.
48 ServerView Update Management