
Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
April 15, 2008 G24-L AT Commands Reference Manual 3-105
<TP-CDL> Command data length 1 BYTE
<TP-CD> Command data 0-156 BYTES
Table 3-66: <fo> for SMS-SUBMIT Message
Bit/s Reference Description
0-1 Message-Type-Indicator Parameter describing the message type.
0 1 SMS-SUBMIT (in the direction MS
to SC)
2 TP-Reject-Duplicates Parameter indicating whether or not the
SC shall accept an SMS-SUBMIT for an
SM still held in the SC which has the
same MR and the same DA as a
previously submitted SM from the same
0 Instruct the SC to accept an
SMS-SUBMIT as mention above
1 Instruct the SC to reject an
SMS-SUBMIT as mention above. In this
case an appropriate TP-FCS value will be
returned in the SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT.
3-4 TP-Validity-Period-Format Parameter indicating whether the TP-VP
field is present and in which format.
0 0 TP-VP field not present
1 0 TP-VP field present - relative format
0 1 TP-VP field present - enhanced
format - valid only in PDU mode
1 1 TP-VP field present - absolute format
5 TP-Status-Report-Request Parameter indicating if a status report is
requested by the MS
0 A status report is not requested
1 A status report is requested
6 TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator Parameter indicating whether the
beginning of the User Data field contains
a Header in addition to the short message
or contains only the short message
0 The TP-UD field contains only the
short message
1 The beginning of the TP-UD field
contains a Header in addition to the short
7 TP-Reply-Path Parameter indicating that Reply Path is
set or not.
0 TP-Reply-Path parameter is not set
1 TP-Reply-Path parameter is set
Table 3-65: Layout of SMS-COMMAND in PDU Mode: (according to GSM03.40)
Reference Description Length