
Hardware Information
3-136 G24-L AT Commands Reference Manual April 15, 2008
condition. The RTS line complements the CTS line. The G24-L puts the CTS line in an active
condition to tell the terminal that it is ready to receive the data. Likewise, if the G24-L is unable
to receive data, it places the CTS line in an inactive condition.
The following table shows the &K parameters.
&K: 3
&C, Circuit 109 Behavior
This parameter determines how the state of the DCD line relates to the detection of the received
line signal from the distant end. Changing the parameters will take effect immediately in both the
command and online command states.
The DCD line is an output line that indicates the following:
In Circuit Switch Data mode an active (low) indicates that a valid carrier (data signal) was
detected by the G24-L (CONNECT message is received), and inactive (high) indicates idle.
The AT&C command always puts the DCD command ON, when set to 0. If the AT&C
command is set to 1 then the "+++" escape command sets the DCD signal to an inactive state
and the ATO command is set to active. The AT&C set to 2 sets the DCD signal OFF.
In GPRS mode, the DCD line indicates the PDP context status. PDP context active sets the
DCD to active (low); PDP context inactive sets the DCD to inactive (high). The DCD is
activated only when the PDP context is achieved. The DCD is de-activated when the PDP
context is off.
Command Type Syntax Response/Action
AT&K<param> OK
AT&K? &K: <param>
AT&K=? &K: (list of supported
Table 3-87: &K Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<param> 0 Disable all terminal/G24-L flow control
3 Enable CTS/RTS terminal/G24-L flow control
4 Enable Xon/Xoff terminal/G24-L flow control
5 Enable Xon/Xoff terminal/G24-L flow control
6 Enable CTS/RTS terminal/G24-L flow control
The default value is 3.