Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
April 15, 2008 G24-L AT Commands Reference Manual 3-195
The following table shows the different S-registers and their associated values.
Note: S0 (Auto Answer) should work regardless of the DTR HW line state. This is a deviation
from the ITU V. 25-ter standard.
Sn Description Min Value Max Value Default Value
S0 Sets/gets number of rings before
auto answer.
0 255 0
S2 Sets/gets escape code character. 0 255 43
S3 Sets/gets carriage return code
0 127 13
S4 Sets/gets line feed code character. 0 127 10
S5 Sets/gets command line editing
character (backspace).
0 127 8
S7 Sets the number of seconds in
which connection must be
established before the call is
1 255 30
S12 Sets/gets guard time (in units of
50 msec) for the escape character
during CSD connections
0 255 20
S14 Read-only. Holds values of En
(in bit 1),
Qn (in bit 2), Vn (in bit 3).
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S21 Read-only. Holds values of &Dn
(in bits 2, 3 and 4), &Cn (in bits 5
and 6).
S22 Read-only. Holds values of Mn
(in bits 2 and 3),
Xn (in bits 4, 5 and 6)
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S31 Read-only. Holds value of Wn (in
bits 2 and 3).
S36 Sets/gets value of \Nn. 0 7 5
S39 Read-only. Holds value of &Kn
(in bits 0, 1 and 2).
S40 Read-only. Holds value of \An
(in bits 6 and 7).
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S41 Read-only. Holds value of %Cn
(in bits 0 and 1).