Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
April 15, 2008 G24-L AT Commands Reference Manual 3-163
The following table shows the S96 parameters.
ATS96=1 //Enable echo canceling
+CME ERROR: <err>
001 //Echo canceling enabled
Advanced Audio Setup Commands
This group of commands enables accessory devices to control certain audio aspects within the
+MAPATH, Audio Path
This command sets/requests the active input accessory, and the output accessory for each feature.
For example, you can choose the headset mic to be active, the voice and keypad feedbacks to go
to the speaker, and the alerts and rings to go to the alert speaker. On power up, the default path,
mic, speaker and alert speaker are restored.
Note: +MAPATH cannot be used to set digital audio, but only to read it. In order to set the digital
audio path, use +MADIGITAL. For more information, refer to section “+MADIGITAL,
Analog/Digital Audio Switching” on page 3-170.
Table 3-107: S96 Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<n> 0 Disable echo canceling. Disable noise suppression
1 Enable echo canceling. Enable noise suppression