Chapter 3: AT Commands Reference
April 15, 2008 G24-L AT Commands Reference Manual 3-183
+CPWD, Change Password
This command sets a new password for the facility lock. The password can only be changed once
the required facility is enabled by the +CLCK command. (Refer to “+CLCK, Facility Lock” on
page 3-184).
A password can be changed only if the provided password <oldpwd> has been verified. The
entered password <newpwd> must also comply to the password rules. The facility value <fac> is
not case-sensitive. In the password value, letters are not allowed.
The following table shows the +CPWD parameters.
Type Syntax Response/Action Remarks
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Set command sets a new password for
the facility lock function, defined by the
+CLCK command. (Refer to “+CLCK,
Facility Lock” on page 3-184).
AT+CPWD=? +CPWD:list of
+CME ERROR: <err>
The Test command returns a list of pairs
which represent the available facilities, and
the maximum length of their passwords.
Table 3-123: +CPWD Parameters
<Parameter> Description
<fac> List of supported facilities. All the facility messages, except for SC and P2, are sent to
the network. (The facilities are not case-sensitive.)
SC SIM (lock SIM card)
The SIM requests the password during G24-L power-up and when this command is
AO BAOC (Bar All Outgoing Calls)
OI BOIC (Bar Outgoing International Calls)
OX BOIC-exHC (Bar Outgoing International Calls except to Home Country)
AI BAIC (Bar All Incoming Calls)
IR BIC-Roam (Bar Incoming Calls when Roaming outside the home country)
AB All Barring services (applicable only for <mode>=0)
AG All outGoing barring services (applicable only for <mode>=0)
AC All inComing barring services (applicable only for <mode>=0)
P2 SIM PIN2 (Refer to “+CLCK, Facility Lock”, page 3-184)
<oldpwd> String type, 4-8 character password specified for the facility from the G24-L user
<newpwd> String type, 4-8 character new password specified by the user.
<pwdlength> Maximum length of the facility password. Integer type.