Barco R5976522/03 Home Theater Screen User Manual

4. Physical installation
2. Turn the tile fixation bolt, with released fixation nut, counterclockwise until the front of the tile is aligned with the front of the
neighboring tiles. Use a small blade screwdriver.
Warning: The maximum allowed adjustment range is 1 millimeter which corresponds with a 360° turn counterclockwise of the
tile fixation bolt. Turn the tile fixation bolt as far as possible clockwise to know the start position of the 360° turn.
1 mm max
360° max
360° max
Image 4-21
3. Fasten the tile fixation nut.
Image 4-22
In case onetile cornersticks out ofthe neighboring tiles, checkif the tile fixation boltof thatcorner is fastened
(as far as possible turned clockwise). Sometimes, due to vibrations during transport, some tile fixation bolts
can get loose.
R5976522 FIXED ILITE DISPLAY 17/11/2006 35