dCS 904 User Manual Manual for Software Version 1.5x and 1.36
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC135904 iss 2B2
Page 18
135904ma2b2.pdf file available from website
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
The dCS 904 has many other functions that either need to be accessed only
occasionally, or are informative in nature. These functions can be accessed
either by the Remote software, running on a PC and connected to the unit by an
RS-232 link - or (in most cases) by the Menu. If a function is set by the menu or
the Remote, the unit remembers it, and it will be set this way for ever (or until
you set it to something different). You can customise your unit in this way.
Information only items are displayed for a time, then the display reverts to
Menu buttons are indicated by white text on the front panel. There are for:
Step otherwise Overload Level
Set otherwise ADC/Data
Down otherwise Master/Slave
Up otherwise Output Format
Back otherwise Noise Shaping
Entering the Menu -
The Menu is entered by holding down the
Step and then pressing the Set button
once. The display will show:
You are now in the menu, and the menu buttons now have their alternate
Moving through the Menu -
Press the
Step button again to step through the Menu items listed below. When
you reach the required item, press the
Set button once to display the current
setting, and press again to change its setting. This either toggles the previous
state, or causes an information function to read out, or enters a lower level (as in
the Tone generator, for example). If you have entered a lower level, pressing
Step steps through its options. When you reach the one you want, press Set
and then use the
Up or Down buttons to increase or decrease a value (such as
Level or Frequency on the Tone generator).
If no changes are made in 4 seconds, the unit exits the Menu. When one item
has been set, press the
Step button again if you wish to continue cycling
through the Menu.
There is a knack in doing this easily – once it has been gained, it becomes very
easy to use the functions it accesses.