I Know What I Like . . .
Tips for entering keywords
• To specify an exact phrase in a Keyword or Title WishList, surround a set of words
with quotation marks (to enter quotation marks, press PAUSE ( ). For example, the
keyword PAUL SIMON might also turn up a documentary about Simon Bolivar with a
director whose name is Paul. Use “PAUL SIMON” to be certain you find programs
that only feature Paul Simon.
• If you enter more than one keyword in Keyword or Title WishList searches, only
programs that match all of your keywords (for example, “GEENA DAVIS” FLY) are
• If you want to include an exact phrase and additional keywords, there should be a
space between the final quotation mark and the beginning of the next word. You can
place a space character by selecting SP on the grid of letters or by pressing
• Replace hyphens ( - ), slashes ( / ) and periods ( . ) with spaces. For example, you
would use the keyword phrase 20 20 to search for the title “20/20.” For an Actor
WishList for Catherine Zeta-Jones, use ZETA JONES, CATHERINE. You can place a
space character by selecting SP on the grid of letters or by pressing FORWARD ( ).
• Any other marks, such as apostrophes ( ’ ) and ampersands ( & ), are ignored. For
example, you would use the keyword phrase 6OCLOCKNEWSto search for the title
“6O’ClockNews.” (Note that commas ( , ) are also ignored, except in actor and
director WishList searches, where they are essential.)
• For dollar signs ( $ ) substitute the letter S. For example, to find “$100,000 Pyramid,”
use S100000. (In Search by Title, skip the dollar signs to find these titles.)
Title WishList searches are an
excellent way to search for a
program that is not on in the next couple
of weeks, but that you would want to
record if it ever came on. For example, if
you want to record “The Maltese Falcon”
the next time it airs, create a Title
WishList for the phrase “Maltese Falcon.”
Set the WishList to auto-record. If you
want to make sure the program will
record, give the WishList a high priority
with the Season Pass Manager. (See page
59.) The next time “The Maltese Falcon”
comes on, your WishList will record it.
If you see too many programs
when you select “View upcoming
programs,” the WishList you are using is
probably better suited for searching and
browsing than for auto-recording.
DIRECTV Central Pick Programs to Record Search Using WishLists