Position Format
Settings: dd.ddddd°, dd°mm.mmm', or dd°mm'ss";
Default = dd°mm.mmm'
Position Format selects the format of the latitude and longitude position display.
Digits Format
Settings: Small tenths, Large tenths, No tenths, Default =
Small tenths
Digits Format allows you to add a tenth decimal place to readouts such as
Temperature and Depth. The format can be changed to small format, large
format, or no format. This menu option is available when the User Mode is set
to Advanced (see Main Menu: User Mode).
Time Format
(Advanced, International Models only)
Settings: 12 hour, 24 hour; Default = 12 hour
Time Format changes the time format used by the unit. Time Format selects a
12 hour or 24 hour format for the time of day displayed when Time + Date is
selected as a Digital Readout on the Sonar View (see Setup Menu Tab: Select
Date Format
(Advanced, International Models only)
Settings: mm/dd/yy, dd.mm.yy, yy.mm.dd; Default =
Date Format changes the date format used by the unit. Date Format selects the
format for the date display when Time + Date is selected as a Digital Readout
on the Sonar View (see Setup Menu Tab: Select Readouts).
Setup Menu Tab