(Continued from previous page)
Current Network Configuration
Interface eth0
Host name: pcs200r
Interface eth1
Host name: pcs200r
Using DHCP: NO
Host IP address:
Network mask:
Gateway IP address:
Speed: 1000Mbps
DNS servers
Primary DNS: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Secondary DNS: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Network Configuration Menu
eth0 Configure Control Port IP
eth1 Configure Feature Port IP
dns Configure DNS
exit Exit network configuration
Choose item to modify >
3. Either:
• Continue with step 4 for information on modifying the IP conguration of either the Control
Port or the Feature Port.
• Go to step 10 for information on modifying the DNS conguration.
• To exit the Network Conguration Menu without modifying any settings, type exit at the
Network Conguration Menu
4. Type eth0 or eth1, as applicable, and press Enter to modify the conguration of the
Control Port or the Feature Port, respectively.
5. At the
Host name [pcs200r]:
prompt, either press Enter to accept the default value in
square brackets, or type a new host name and then press Enter.
6. (Control Port conguration only) At the
Using DHCP (Y/N) [Y]:
prompt, type y to use
DHCP, or type n to specify the network IP addresses. Then, press Enter.
PCS200R Conguration Options (Cont.)
(Continued on next page)