
RCP2-1000 RM Remote Controller Operations Manual 203987 Rev A 39
The Paradise Datacom RCP2-1000 utilizes Terminal Mode Serial Protocol (TMSP) as
a secondary serial protocol for Management and Control through a Remote Serial In-
TMSP allows the user to access internal SSPA functions via a remote ASCII Terminal
or its equivalent (such as HyperTerminal for Windows). TMSP is accomplished through
either the RS-232 or RS-485, half duplex, serial communication link.
US ASCII encoded character strings are used to represent commands and data
messages. A remote terminal or controller initiates a communication session and the
RCP2 takes action and returns a report of requested status. The RCP2 will not initiate
communication and will transmit data only when commanded to do so. Prior to estab-
lishing the session with the RCP2, this mode must be enabled through the main menu.
The remote terminal must be configured with serial settings that match the RCP2’s
serial port settings. For example, if the RCP2 is set at 9600 Baud, the remote terminal
must be also configured as ASCII terminal at 9600 Baud, no parity, 8 bit data with
1 stop bit serial connection. The SSPA will not echo back any incoming characters, so
local echo must be enabled on the remote terminal.
To establish a remote control session with the RCP2, the user must type “UNIT#XXX”
in the terminal window (all letters must be in upper case), where XXX is the RCP2’s
unique network address or the global call address (255). Press the "Enter" key on
Remote Terminal keyboard.
The RCP2 should answer with words "Unit#XXX OnLine" with the first menu screen on
the following lines. After a remote session is successfully established, the unit will stay
connected as long as needed. The session interface mimics the RCP2's front panel
menu. To help the user navigate through the menu, the help string with the list of
active keys always follows the menu strings.
For example:
"Active Keys:(U)p+Enter;(D)own+Enter;(C)lrearFlt; (M)enu+Enter; (E)nd+Enter"
will be the last transmission string on all informative menu screens. Note that all letters
must be typed in upper case!
To refresh current screen on the Remote Terminal simply press "Enter" key. To end a
session with RM SSPA, press "E" and then "Enter" keys.
Important! If multiple SSPA units are networked on the same serial link, DO NOT
you do so you will not get a valid response from the SSPA!
Section 6: Terminal Mode