
RCP2-1000 RM Remote Controller Operations Manual 203987 Rev A 41
In the next window, select the following as shown in Figure 6-3: Bits per
Second: 9600; Data bits: 8; Parity: None; Stop bits: 1; Flow control: none.
Click “OK”.
Normally, the SSPA will not echo back characters typed by the user in
Terminal window. For added security and convenience, turn on Local Echo
in the HyperTerminal application. To do so, select the following from the
HyperTerminal menu: File -> Properties -> Settings -> ASCII setup. This will
bring up a window similar to that shown in Figure 37. In this window, check
the box marked “Echo typed characters locally” and click “OK”.
Note: Due to a software bug on some versions, this feature may not work.
Do not use versions prior to 6.3. Download the latest version of Hyper-
Terminal at http://www.hilgraeve.com.
Figure 6-3: COM3 Properties window
Figure 6-4: ASCII Setup window